Ethiopian General Warns: Mogadishu at Risk Without Ethiopian Troops

Ethiopian General Warns: Mogadishu at Risk Without Ethiopian Troops

In a recent interview with Ethiopian state television, General Birhanu Jula, Chief of General Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force, criticized the Somali government, highlighting its dependence on Ethiopian military support for maintaining security. General Jula asserted that the Somali military and its leadership, including President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, lack the capacity to manage Mogadishu independently, emphasizing that it is the Ethiopian forces’ presence that allows the Somali government to maintain control over the capital city.

General Jula further emphasized the extensive role of Ethiopian troops in Somalia, stating that they control around 60% of the country’s territory. He warned that without the Ethiopian military’s support, the Somali federal government would face the risk of losing Mogadishu to the militant group Al-Shabaab. The general’s remarks follow his previous deployments in Somalia, where he served in key regions such as Bay, Bakool, and Galgaduud between 2010 and 2013, gaining firsthand experience of the situation on the ground.

The interview also covered the sacrifices made by Ethiopian soldiers in Somalia, with General Jula highlighting the heavy toll taken during operations against Al-Shabaab. He emphasized Ethiopia’s commitment to ensuring security in the region, despite the challenges and losses faced by its military forces. His comments come at a time of heightened diplomatic tensions, partly fueled by Ethiopia’s recent maritime agreement with Somaliland, which has been a contentious issue with the Somali federal government.

These statements from General Jula illustrate the complex geopolitical dynamics and military involvement of Ethiopia in Somalia. They also underline the importance of Ethiopian forces in stabilizing the region, while simultaneously reflecting the strain between Ethiopia and Somalia’s federal government over territorial and security concerns.

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