The Somali National Army (SNA) is stepping up its fight against Al-Shabaab militants in the HirShabelle region, particularly in the western parts of Hiran and some areas of Middle Shabelle. According to Sheikh Abukar Mohamed, the spokesperson for Somalia’s Ministry of Defense, the military is focused on freeing territories still controlled by Al-Shabaab within this...
Category: Uncategorized
Wasaaradda Maaliyadda oo warsaxaa-fadeed ay soo saartay ku shaacisay in ay dhaqangalisay heshiiska ganacstada iyo dowladda.
Muqdisho (Raxanreeb online) – Wasaaradda Maaliyadda XFS ayaa maanta oo isniin ah dhaqangelisay Hannaanka Khidmad-dhimista ee lagu go’aamiyay Qaraarkii Golaha Wasiirrada kuna saabsanaa in la dhimo 50% lacagta looga qaado Iskaanka lagu hubiyo badeecadaha kasoo dega Dekadda Muqdisho. Golaha Wasiirrada Soomaaliya oo kulan deg deg ah yeeshay dhawaan ayaa go’aamiyay in meesha laga saaro shirkado...
SOMALIA:Al-Shabaab issues ultimatum to Banks over Government’s new Tax
Al-Shabaab, the militant group operating in parts of Somalia, has issued a stark ultimatum to local banks and financial institutions, demanding they cease cooperation with the Somali government’s newly implemented 5% sales tax. The group warned that private individuals should withdraw their funds from participating banks by August 25, 2024, or face serious consequences, highlighting...
Sayid Cali Macalin Daa’uud oo ku eedeysan dilka xaaskiisa oo maanta markale maxkamadda sare ee dalka kasoo muuqday.
Maxkamadda sare ee dalka ayaa maanta bilaabeysa dhageysiga kiiska uu ku eedeysan yahay Sayid-cali Macalin Daa’uud, oo horey maxkamadda gobolka Banaadir ugu heshay in uu dab qabadsiiyay uuna dilay xaaskiisa oo xaamilo aheyd. Sidoo kale, Sayid-cali Macalin Daa’uud ayaana racfaan ka qaatay xukunno dil ah oo ay horey ugu rideen maxkamadaha gobolka Banaadir iyo tan...
Somalia:Ongoing Violence Over Land Dispute Sparks Crisis in Galgaduud Region
Clashes between two clan militias in the Galgaduud region have resulted in multiple casualties and injuries. The conflict began late last night and continues in the Bidhaan-dheere area, located between Dhuusamareeb and Gadoon. This escalation has drawn in more fighters, exacerbating the violence in this strategically significant area. The conflict stems from a land dispute...
SJS Condemns Police Harassment against Journalists Amid Mogadishu Protests
The Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) has strongly condemned the recent wave of violence, arbitrary detention, and intimidation by Somali police forces against journalists covering protests in Mogadishu. The protests erupted following the closure of Bakaro market, the largest in the Somali capital, due to new taxes and fees imposed on local businesses, leading to a...
Mogadishu Traders Shut Shops and Stage Anti-Tax Protests
Somalia’s largest market, Bakara Market in the capital Mogadishu has been closed for the second day in a row as traders protest against a newly imposed tax on mobile money transactions. This market is a vital economic center for the country, and its shutdown has caused significant disruption. Videos shared on social media show hundreds...
SNA Troops Take Back Key Areas from Al-Shabaab in Gedo
In a significant military operation in Somalia’s Gedo region, the Somali National Army, along with the Jubbaland Dervishes, successfully regained control of key areas from Al-Shabaab militants along the Luuq-Dolow road. This operation was launched in response to an increase in militant activity, where Al-Shabaab had been threatening and intimidating local residents. The military action...
Dhimasho iyo dhaawac ka dhashay qarax ka dhacay duleedka Ceeldheer & howlgallo ka socda
Inta la xaqiijiyay Hal Ruux ayaa ku geeriyooday halka halka qof kale uu ku dhaawacmay qarax ka dhacay degaanka Gawaan ee Duleedka Degmada Ceeldheer ee Gobolka Galgaduud. Qaraxa oo ahaa miinada nooca dhulka lagu Aaso ayaa waxaa la sheegay in uu ku geeriyooday Wiil Dhalinyaro ahaa oo lagu Magacaabi jiray Aways Cali Guure (Butugeey) ,...
RW Xamse iyo Madaxweynaha Jubbaland oo booqday degaanka Buulo-Xaaji
Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumada Soomaaliya Xamse Cabdi Barre oo uu wehelinayo Madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam iyo Taliyayaasha Ciidanka Xooga iyo Booliska iyo Wasiirada Gaashandhiga, Amniga, arrimaha gudaha, Tamarta iyo Kheyraadka Biyaha Dowlada Federaalka ah ayaa booqasho dhiirigalin ah ugu tagay Ciidamada Darawiishta Jubaland gaar ahaan guutada Birjeex ee fadhigoodu yahay deegaanka BuuloXaaji ee gobolka Jubada...