Ethiopia’s Army Chief Calls Egypt a Longtime Enemy, Blaming Historic Conflicts

Ethiopia’s Army Chief Calls Egypt a Longtime Enemy, Blaming Historic Conflicts

Ethiopian Army Chief , General Birhanu Jula, has publicly declared Egypt as Ethiopia’s historical enemy, citing longstanding tensions between the two nations. He emphasized Egypt’s involvement in weakening Ethiopia through various means, including efforts to limit Ethiopia’s influence and development.

According to General Birhanu, Egypt has played a critical role in maintaining Ethiopia’s landlocked status by obstructing its access to the sea, an issue that has deep historical and geopolitical roots.

The general’s comments further highlight the strained relations between Ethiopia and Egypt, exacerbated by the ongoing dispute over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Egypt views the dam as a potential threat to its vital water supply from the Nile, while Ethiopia sees it as a sovereign right to harness the river for its development. This deep-rooted conflict has not only affected relations between the two countries but has also influenced regional dynamics, including Ethiopia’s interactions with other nations in the Horn of Africa.

In addition to the rift with Egypt, Ethiopia has faced challenges in its relationship with Somalia. The complex political landscape, driven by competing interests and influence in the region, has led to tensions between the two neighbors.

The Ethiopia-Somalia rift, coupled with Ethiopia’s strained ties with Egypt, contributes to a volatile environment in the Horn of Africa, where competing regional ambitions and historical grievances continue to shape diplomatic and military strategies.

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