Somalia: Puntland security forces Capture Terror Suspects and Seize Weapons in Bossaso town

Somalia: Puntland security forces Capture Terror Suspects and Seize Weapons in Bossaso town

Puntland Security forces have arrested three individuals linked to terrorist networks, comprising both Somalis and foreigners.

A PMPF press release stated that the operation resulted in the seizure of weapons and explosive materials, including explosive powder, mines, hand grenades, mortars, and other equipment. While specific details about the suspects and the confiscated items were not disclosed, this marks the third significant seizure in Bosaso within three months.

Earlier, on May 18th, PMPF forces intercepted illegal weapons, vehicles, and four suspects attempting to smuggle these items into Bosaso. Additionally, on May 13th, a suspect caught with explosives was presented in Bosaso, accused of terrorist activities.

These operations coincide with U.S. intelligence warnings about the growing presence of ISIS fighters in Puntland, especially in the Bari region. The U.S. has also raised concerns about potential collaboration between the Houthi rebels and Al-Shabaab, which could facilitate the transfer of weapons to ISIS and Al-Shabaab.

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