SCAA Confirms No Flight Interruptions Despite Baidoa Travel Chaos

SCAA Confirms No Flight Interruptions Despite Baidoa Travel Chaos

After flights to Baidoa were abruptly canceled, leaving dozens of passengers, including women and children, stranded at Mogadishu’s Aden Adde International Airport, the situation took a new turn. The sudden suspension of flights caused frustration among travelers, who received no clear explanation from airport officials or airline representatives. One anonymous traveler said, “We were just told there would be no flights to Baidoa today, without any reason given.”

The cancellation occurred amidst rising political tensions between Somalia’s central government and the leadership of the South West State, raising concerns that political frictions may be influencing air travel operations. Intermittent flight disruptions have been common in Somalia due to political or security concerns, but today’s incident represents a significant escalation, affecting not only travel but also economic and social ties between Mogadishu and Baidoa.

Amidst the confusion, the Somali Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) issued a statement clarifying that there had been no changes or interruptions to flights to Baidoa. The statement read: “The Somali Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) assures all Somali citizens that there have been no changes or disruptions to the daily flights to Baidoa.”

This official clarification offered some relief, and the latest updates confirm that flights to Baidoa have now resumed, allowing planes to take off. However, the situation at the airport remains tense, with many travelers still awaiting further communication about future flight operations. This incident highlights the ongoing challenges in Somalia’s aviation sector, where political instability often impacts regular air services.

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