Mogadishu, Somalia – Tensions escalated in Mogadishu’s KM4 crossroads as police clashed with angry protesters for the second consecutive day. The unrest was sparked by Tuk-tuk drivers protesting the Somali government’s recent decision to increase licensing fees from $120 to $200. The drivers, frustrated by the fee hike, blocked major streets in the capital, leading to a tense standoff with law enforcement.
The situation quickly turned violent as police used live ammunition to disperse the demonstrators. Eyewitnesses reported chaotic scenes, with bullets fired into the air and at protesters. Journalists attempting to cover the protest were also targeted, raising concerns about press freedom in Somalia. One journalist described the scene as “extremely dangerous,” as police sought to prevent media coverage of the events.
The protests began on [Insert Date Here] and have continued to gain momentum as the drivers demand the government reconsider the license fee increase. The hike has been widely criticized as unaffordable, placing an additional burden on the already struggling drivers.
As tensions remain high as the protesters vowing to continue their demonstrations, till the Somali government reconsider its license fees increase
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