Djibouti Proposes Port Deal to Ease Ethiopia-Somalia Tensions

Djibouti Proposes Port Deal to Ease Ethiopia-Somalia Tensions

Djibouti’s Foreign Minister, Mohamud Ali Yusuf, has proposed a plan to help ease tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia. The proposal suggests giving Ethiopia control over a port close to its border with Djibouti, providing the landlocked country with direct access to the sea. This could help reduce conflicts in the region, particularly around maritime rights, by giving Ethiopia a way to manage its own trade routes without relying on other countries.

The proposal comes after Ethiopia’s controversial agreement with Somaliland, which gave Ethiopia access to the port of Berbera. Somalia strongly opposed this deal, arguing that it violated its sovereignty. Djibouti’s new proposal could offer Ethiopia an alternative to Berbera, helping to cool tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia.

The plan also includes creating a new trade route in the Horn of Africa, which could change how goods move through the region. Djibouti is positioning itself as a mediator in this dispute, trying to maintain peace and stability while respecting Somalia’s territorial integrity.

While the details of the port control are still being discussed, this proposal is seen as a positive step towards resolving long-standing issues in the Horn of Africa. It could lead to improved relations between Somalia and Ethiopia, and strengthen economic cooperation in a region that has faced many challenges.

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