Protest in Mogadishu as Rickshaw drivers demonstrate Against government’s decision

Protest in Mogadishu as Rickshaw drivers demonstrate Against government’s decision

In Mogadishu, a large protest led by rickshaw drivers erupted following the Somali government’s decision to increase licensing fees. The drivers, angered by the rise in fees from $120 to $200, took to the streets, blocking the main thoroughfare between the airport and the presidential palace.

The demonstration quickly escalated, leading to clashes between protesters and the police. Several protesters were reported wounded as law enforcement attempted to disperse the crowd. The situation intensified when police began arresting those who had gathered, further fueling tensions.

A video circulating on social media has intensified public outrage, showing police officers allegedly beating a protester and a police vehicle damaging a rickshaw. The footage has gone viral, drawing widespread condemnation and raising concerns about the use of force by authorities.

The increase in licensing fees has been met with significant opposition from rickshaw drivers, many of whom argue that the new fee is unaffordable and places an undue burden on their livelihoods. The protest highlights growing discontent among the city’s rickshaw drivers, who play a crucial role in Mogadishu’s transportation network.

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