Somali President Condemns Ethiopia’s Interference Amid Sea Access Dispute

Somali President Condemns Ethiopia’s Interference Amid Sea Access Dispute

Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has accused Ethiopia of illegal interference, alleging that it seeks unauthorized access to the sea through a controversial deal with Somaliland. In an interview with Al-Jazeera, President Mohamud condemned Ethiopia’s actions, stating, “Ethiopia is not only involved in the Somaliland agreement issue but has been interfering in Somalia’s internal matters for a long time.” He highlighted Ethiopia’s control of airports in the Gedo region and its alleged supply of arms to local tribes, which he claims are aimed at creating internal discord.

President Mohamud further revealed that Ethiopia’s agreement with Somaliland’s leader Muse Bihi on January 1, which seeks to establish a 20 km sea corridor for military and commercial purposes, is a direct violation of Somalia’s sovereignty. He emphasized, “This attempt to occupy part of Somalia is illegal and will not be accepted,” rejecting any negotiations on the matter.

The situation has intensified following Somalia’s recent security partnership with Egypt, leading to the arrival of arms shipments in Mogadishu. These developments have prompted Ethiopia to deploy around 10,000 troops along the border, expressing concerns over potential regional instability and the risk of these weapons falling into the hands of Al-Shabaab militants.

As tensions rise, President Mohamud has indicated plans to replace Ethiopian troops with Egyptian forces under an upcoming shift in the African Union mission, signaling a broader geopolitical realignment in the Horn of Africa.

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