Somaliland Parliament Rejects Immunity Removal for MP Maxamed Abiib

Somaliland Parliament Rejects Immunity Removal for MP Maxamed Abiib

The Somaliland House of Representatives was presented today with a motion to remove the immunity of MP Maxamed Abiib Yusuf, who was arrested yesterday. The motion, which was part of an effort by President Muse Bihi’s government to remove Abiib from parliament, was rejected by a majority vote.

Out of 57 MPs present, only 3 voted in favor of stripping Abiib of his immunity, while 51 opposed the motion, and 2 abstained. The speaker did not participate in the vote. As a result, the government’s plan to remove Abiib from his parliamentary position has been effectively blocked.

MP Abiib was detained yesterday in Hargeisa and is currently held at Mandheera prison, located between Hargeisa and Berbera. This prison, a relic from the era of military rule, has historically been used to detain prominent political figures from Somaliland.

Under Somaliland’s constitution and laws, an MP cannot be arrested without first having their immunity removed. The urgency of the government’s move to bring the immunity removal motion to parliament reflects the legal necessity, but the motion’s failure today ensures that Abiib remains a member of parliament, despite his current detention.

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