SOMALIA:Former President Discusses Security and Economic Challenges with Lawmakers

SOMALIA:Former President Discusses Security and Economic Challenges with Lawmakers

Former Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed recently met with members of parliament from the Hawiye clan to discuss the economic and security challenges facing local businesses in Mogadishu. The talks focused on the federal government’s new sales taxes, which have caused discontent among business owners struggling to recover in the current economic climate.

Security concerns were also addressed, particularly the recent escalation of attacks by Al-Shabaab. The destruction of Elasha Biyaha market, one of Mogadishu’s largest, following the installation of hidden CCTV cameras by traders, highlighted the ongoing threats businesses face from the militant group.

Sheikh Sharif emphasized the need for a balanced approach that protects businesses from both external threats and the pressures of taxation. He called for policies that ensure economic growth is not hindered by excessive security measures or fiscal burdens.

Although no formal resolutions were reached, the meeting highlighted the importance of collaboration in addressing these issues. The involvement of the former president underscores the ongoing role of influential figures in shaping Somalia’s economic and security policies.

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