The African Union (AU) has gradually reduced its troop numbers in Somalia since late 2017, from a peak of over 22,000 to about 14,000 today. Another 4,000 AU peacekeepers are scheduled to withdraw by the end of September and the entire AU Transition Mission in Somalia is scheduled to leave by 31 December 2024. African Union peacekeepers were first deployed to Mogadishu in...
Day: June 22, 2024
Why is the Canadian military a terrorist organization?
The Canadian army is known among the armies of the world as an institution that intervenes in the internal affairs of other countries and is a partner in the crimes of the armed forces of the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime in different parts of the world. The Canadian armed forces are divided...
Madaxweyne Xasan xariga uu qoorta isaga xiray, inta uusan isku marjin, yaa ka furaya?
24 Juun 1812 ayuu Napoleon Bonaparte kala gudbay xuduuda wabiga Neman, ciidankiisa Grande Armée, si’uu usoo qabsado Ruushka oo ballamo uga baxay, uguna soo dhigo cashar Czar Alexander 1, boqorkii Ruushka. Qaar kamida wasiiradiisi ayaa udigay oo kuyiri Ruushku waa dal ballaaran mana wada qabsan karno, balse Napoleon oo ahaa nooca insaanka u sameysan inuu...
Ethiopia-Somaliland MOU to enter implementation stage despite Somalia’s outcry – Source
Ethiopia and Somaliland are expecting to announce the implementation of their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in early July, Somaliland officials told Kaab TV. The MOU, signed on January 1, 2024, grants Ethiopia naval access to the Red Sea and the use of Berbera port, while Somaliland is to gain recognition as an independent country by...
Ukrainian Special Forces in Mogadishu amid rising geopolitical tensions
Ukraine’s Special Forces unit has been confirmed to be present in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, supported by U.S. military officers training and advising the Somali army, a local military officer told our reporter. The revelation came after an increase in illicit weapons sold in Mogadishu’s black market, including U.S.-made Javelin missiles reportedly provided as military aid...
Kenya’s female forces aid Somali security under ATMIS mission
Female members of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and National Police Service are actively involved in Somalia, primarily under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS). Their mission includes combating Al-Shabaab, supporting local security forces, and promoting stability and economic independence through various initiatives. For over 11 years, these dedicated women have been stationed...
Former livestock keepers get behind the wheel in central Somalia
After living as a pastoralist for 15 years, Osman Mohamed Elmi is now making a living as a driver at the new port in Hobyo, in central Somalia’s Mudug region. He drives newly imported vehicles from the port to their owners in towns like Adado, Guriel, Galkayo and Dhusamareb. Osman works 25 days a month...
ATMIS says troops’ drawdown show of commitment to rebuild Somalia
The withdrawal of troops by the African Union from Somalia is a sign of progress and Somalia’s commitment to rebuilding their country, an AU peacekeeping official said Friday. The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) Sector Five Commander Oscar Hatungimana said the handing over of military bases by ATMIS to Somali security forces demonstrates...
Warka Raxanreeb oo ku jira qodobo xasaasi ah oo gudaha& dibadda.
Muqdisho (Raxanreeb )- Ardayda Dugsiyada sare ee dalka ayaa saaka u fariisanaya Imtixaanka shahaadiga ah oo ay qabanayso Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Hidaha iyo Tacliinta sare Xukuumadda Soomaliya In ka badan 37-kun oo arday ayaa galaysa Imtixaanka, oo ka bilaabanaya xarumo ku yaalla Muqdisho, Galmudug, Koofur Galbeed, SCC Khaatumo, Hirshabeelle iyo Jubbaland, marka laga reebo Somaliland iyo...
SPAIN : Markab badbaadiyay in ka badan 68 qof oo tahriibayaal ah.
Spain (Raxanreeb )- Sida ay sheegtay Warbaahinta dalka Spain Markab nooca dalxiiska ah ayaa badbaadiyay 68 qof oo tahriibayaal ah, kuwaas oo dooni ay la socdeen laga helay meel u dhaw jasiiradda Canary. Markabka ayaa sidoo kale helay meydadka shan qof oo ka mid ahaa muhaajiriinta. Wakaaladda Howlaha Badbaadinta Badda ee Dalka Spain ayaa warbixin...