Day: October 23, 2023

Home » Archives for October 23, 2023
Maxkamad xukun xabsi ku ridday gabadha Saddam Xuseen

Maxkamad xukun xabsi ku ridday gabadha Saddam Xuseen

Maxkamad ku taalla magaalada Baqdaad ayaa Axaddii iyada oo maqan toddoba sano oo xarig ah ku xukuntay gabadha dibad-jooga ah ee uu dhalay kaligii-taliyihii hore ee Ciraaq Saddam Xuseen, sababo la xiriira inay “buun-buunisay” xisbiga Bacath ee aabaheed.

DF & Ururada Bulshada oo Muqdisho ku shiraya

DF & Ururada Bulshada oo Muqdisho ku shiraya

Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa maanta ka furmay Shirka Qaran ee u dhaxeeya Ururrada Bulshada Rayidka ah iyo Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya si ay uga arrinsadaan xaaladda Dalka, Iskaashiga dhexdooda iyo xoojinta Dowlad-Dhiska.


Israel restricts Palestinian access to Al-Aqsa Mosque for 2nd Friday in row

Israeli authorities barred Palestinians from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem for the second Friday in a row. An official with the Waqf Department in Jerusalem told Anadolu that Israeli police only allowed Palestinians over the age of 65 into the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The official, who preferred not to be named, added that...


Ilhan Omar fears for family’s safety after barrage of threats over Israel criticism

Ilhan Omar, a Muslim US representative, said she fears for her family’s safety after receiving an onslaught of threats for criticizing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. The Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota opened up in a statement about the increase in Islamophobic remarks and threats she has received, including threats directed at her family. NBC News first...


Authorities target bickering Al Shabaab with more sanctions

Somalia and partners say leadership wrangles within the militant group offer an opportunity to annihilate the extremists. But it may take more than just targeting its leadership. This week, the US government offered up to $5 million to anyone with information that could aid the arrest of Abukar Ali Adan, a leader in the Somali...


Suicide car bomb kills Somali security personnel

WASHINGTON — A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb at a security post outside Somalia’s capital Saturday, killing at least six security personnel and injuring seven others, a security official and residents told VOA Somali. Militant group al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the early-morning attack, in which the bomber drove a car packed with explosives into...

Maxaa ka socdo Degmada Waajid oo dagaalo ay ka dhaceen ?

Maxaa ka socdo Degmada Waajid oo dagaalo ay ka dhaceen ?

Waajid (Raxanreeb) – Ciidanka Xoogga dalka ayaa la sheegay iney Al-shabaab ka saareen degaan hoos taga degmada Waajid ee Gobolka Bokool. Sidoo kale, Waxaa howlgalkan Ururka 260aad ee Ciidanka Xoogga dalka Soomaaliyed ayaa Al-shabaab kala wareegay gacan ku haynta degaanka Eel-Boon oo qiyaasti 48 Km Galbeedka kaga beegan degmada Waajid. “Howlgalka xoreynta Eel-Boon ayaa Khawaarijta looga...