Improvised Explosive Device blows up key water well in El-Garas town

EL-GARAS: An Explosive Device planted by the Al-shabaab militants blew up a key water well at El-Garas town in Galgaduud region early Wednesday.

According to the official government statement, the explosion injured one person who was fetching water from the well at the time of the incident.

The incident at the key water source for locals in the town came after they were expelled from the area by the Somali National Army a week ago.

Army officials said the militants planted the explosive devices at key infrastructures in the area – posing great danger to the local population adding that the Somali National Army officers had initiated an operation to clear the explosive devices in the region.

The SNA forces have intensified their offensive against the militants in many parts of the country – liberating several areas previously occupied by the Al-Qaeda linked terrorist group.

The Federal Government has maintained that it will not relent until the entire country is liberated and peace and stability is restored for the Somali people.

Local authorities in El-Garas town have started repairing the damaged well and provide immediate relief for the affected residents who were depending on the facility for water supply.

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