Month: January 2024

Heshiis lagu kala badeshay Bad & Aqoonsi oo dhaxmaray Abiy Ahmed & Muuse Biixi.

Heshiis lagu kala badeshay Bad & Aqoonsi oo dhaxmaray Abiy Ahmed & Muuse Biixi.

Adis Ababa ( Raxanreeb ) Magaalada Adis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya waxa heshiis is afgarad ah ku kala saxiixday Ra’ iisulwasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed & Madaxwaynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi. Somaliland ayaa Itoobiya u saxiixday qeyb kamid badda Soomaaliya, waxa ayna Itoobiya taa badalkeeda u ballanqaaday Somaliland in dowlad ahaan u aqoonsan doonto Somaliland. “Is-afgaradka...


KSrelief steps up aid, medical projects in 5 countries

RIYADH: The Saudi aid agency KSrelief has stepped up relief efforts in Yemen, Lebanon, Turkiye, Somalia and Pakistan. KSrelief’s prosthetics center in Yemen has provided help to hundreds of people in the war-torn country through physical therapy and other services. The rehabilitation center in Marib governorate provided 2,121 services to 375 beneficiaries in one month,...


Kenya extradites US citizen planning to join Al Shabaab

A US citizen allegedly inspired by Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel was arrested in the Kenyan capital Nairobi mid-this month on his way to join the Al Shabaab terror network in Somalia. Karrem Nasr, 23, from Lawrenceville, New Jersey, was arrested on December 14 after flying from Egypt to Nairobi, where federal prosecutors say...

‘’DENI  keligiisa ha galo doorashada Puntland’’ – Shir ka dhacay Garoowe.

‘’DENI  keligiisa ha galo doorashada Puntland’’ – Shir ka dhacay Garoowe.

Garoowe (Raxanreeb ) Shirar kala duwan ayaa ka soconaya magaalada Garoowe kuwaas oo intooda badan maanta looga hadlaya xaaladda siyaasada ee cakiran  taas oo sababi karta gacan ka hadal. Magaalada  Garoowe waxaa ku soo dhamaaday shir saacado badan u socday siyaasiinta ololaha ugu jira madaxtinimada maamul goboleedka Puntland oo ay  hareeysay khilaafaadyo dhawr ah ....

Sad-bursi iyo qanac la’aan ma u dhaqan baa!

Sad-bursi iyo qanac la’aan ma u dhaqan baa!

Doorashada Puntland ee sanadkan waa mid ka xiiso badan, ka rajo badan, kana xamaasad badan doorashooyinkii hore ee Puntland soo marey. Waa marka horee- dhawaan waxa uu maamulka SSC iyo isimadooda ku dhawaaqeen goaan buuq badan dhaliyay, balse ahaa goaan la filanayay. Waxey sheegeen in ay isaga baxeen maamulka Puntland, islamarkaana aysan ka qeyb geli...


Al-Shabaab militants attack police camp in Mandera

Suspected Al-Shabaab militants on Friday morning attacked the National Police Service’s (NPS) Quick Response Unit (QRU) Camp in Mandera County. Police reports indicate that more than 20 heavily-armed militants approached the camp from the northwest, initiating their assault within a proximity of 100 meters from the camp. “Officers who were alert responded swiftly and engaged...


One hundred and twenty journalists and media workers killed in 2023, says IFJ

120 journalists and media workers, including 11 women, have been killed in 2023, announced the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on 31 December.   The IFJ, which published an initial list of journalists killed ahead of UN Human Rights Day on 8 December documenting 94 killings,  says the latest increase is the result of additional...


Somaliland president Bihi is in Addis Ababa days after the Djibouti agreement with Mogadishu

Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi has embarked on a state visit to Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, just days after the historic agreement between Somalia and Somaliland leaders to resume dialogue. The Ethiopian Foreign Ministry confirmed President Bihi’s arrival on Sunday. Upon landing, President Bihi was received by Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of...


Exploitation of Facebook Community Standards and DDoS attacks by Somali authorities to suppress critical voices

The manipulation of Facebook Community Standards and the use of DDoS attacks have emerged as a concerning tool employed by Somalia’s National Communication Authority (NCA) in collaboration with the national intelligence (NISA) to suppress critical voices among journalists and independent content creators. Mustafa Yasin, the director of NCA, openly acknowledged his involvement in what he...