For the first time in years, a massive counter-insurgency operations are launched with core commitment led by the Somali leadership, international partners, local communities with the sole aim of rooting out the militant group of Al-shabab in Somalia. This operation’s first phase sparked by after a clash of defeat to Al-shabab by the former governor...
Day: September 28, 2023
East Africa bloc climate service warns of higher temperatures alongside El Nino rains
The Horn of Africa will experience higher than normal temperatures between October to December, a period when the region is also expected to have El Nino rains that would lead to heavy flooding, the East African bloc climate service warned Wednesday. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Climate Prediction and Applications Center (ICPAC) said in...
569,000 people displaced in Somalia due to conflict, insecurity
The enduring conflict and insecurity have displaced some 569,000 people in Somalia in the first eight months of the year, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday. The WHO said the Somali government’s ongoing counter-insurgency operations against the al-Shabab terror group and tensions following clan disputes continue to cause insecurity and displacement in the country....
Tigrayans mourn fighters killed in Ethiopia war
Residents in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region are mourning the death of fighters killed during the two year-long brutal war that ended last year. It comes as residents are now being told about their family members who were killed during the fighting against Ethiopian troops and their allies, sources from the regional capital, Mekelle, told the...
DHUUSMAREEB : Qaraxyo Gilgilay Galmudug + khasaaraha jira
Dhuusmareeb (Raxanreeb) Magaalada Dhuusmareeb ee gobolka Galgaduud waxaa lagu soo waramayaa inuu ka dhacay qarax ismiidaamin ah kaas oo la doonayay in gudaha la galyo magaalada . Sida ay sheegayaan wararka aan helayno qaraxan oo gawaari laga soo buuxiyay ayaa ku qarxay bar kantarool oo laga galo magaalada Dhuusmareeb , halkaas oo la sheegay in ...