Month: January 2024

Guddoomiyaha Barlamanka Puntland oo la doortay.

Guddoomiyaha Barlamanka Puntland oo la doortay.

Garoowe (Raxanreeb ) Magaalada Garoowe oo ay ka socotay doorashada Guddoonka Barlamaanka maamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa la doortay Guddoomiyaha. Cabdirisaaq Axmed Siciid ayaa ku guuleystay Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiillada Dawladda Puntland 2024 – 2029 sida Guddiga doorashada ay ku dhawaqeen. Magaalada Garoowe waxaa wali ka socoto doorashada Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Golaha wakiilada maamulkaas oo la filayo ...

Barlamaanka Puntland oo dooranaya Guddomiye & ku xigeen.

Barlamaanka Puntland oo dooranaya Guddomiye & ku xigeen.

Garoowe (Raxanreeb ) Magaalada Garoowe ee Puntland  waxaa ka soconaysa , qaban-qabaada la xiriirta doorashada Guddoonka Barlamaanka maamulkaas , waxaana inta badan xaadir ah xubnaha Barlamaanka. Ilaa afar musharax ayaa u tartamaya xilka guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, lix qof ayaa u taagan guddoomiye ku xiigeenka koowaad halka afar ay u taaganyihiin xilka guddoomiye ku xiigeenka labaad. Wariyayaasha...


First elected Somali-American mayor sworn in

The city councilor of St. Louis Park in the US state of Minnesota has sworn in 27-year-old Nadia Mohamed as mayor, two months after she made history as America’s first Somali-American elected mayor by voters. Ms Mohamed secured 58% of the vote to win last November’s mayoral poll. She is also the youngest and the first Muslim...

Boqol  qof oo lagu dilay mar qura magaalada TEHRAN  ee iraan.

Boqol  qof oo lagu dilay mar qura magaalada TEHRAN  ee iraan.

Tehran (Raxanreeb )  laba qarax oo waa wayn oo ka dhacay magaalada caasimada ah ee Tehran ee dalka Iiraan ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay ku dhinteen kuna dhaawacmeen dad badan  . Dadka dhintay oo lagu qiyaasay ku dhawaad boqol qof ayaa  ku sugnaa goob ay ka socotay munaasabad baroor diiq ah oo loo samaynayay...


Al-Shabaab and Somalia unite against Ethiopia and Somaliland

In the wake of the Ethiopia-Somaliland Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on Monday Jan., 1, the Al-Shabaab terrorist group has issued a statement, threatening both Ethiopia and Somaliland. Ali Mohamud Rage (aka Ali Dheere), the group’s spokesman from the Hawiye clan, called for jihad attacks on Ethiopia and the Muse Bihi administration in Somaliland, a peaceful...


Rival Sudan generals harden tone amid ceasefire efforts

The heads of Sudan’s warring military factions have vowed to escalate fighting against each other amid regional efforts to end the brutal conflict in the country. Army chief Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commander Lieutenant General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hemedti, made the remarks on Monday during the...


Amir, Somali President discuss bilateral relations, regional and global issues

Doha: THe Amir HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani discussed with his brother President of the sisterly Federal Republic of Somalia HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, bilateral relations between the two countries and aspects of reinforcing them. This came during a phone HH the Amir received Tuesday evening from HH the Somali President. They also discussed,...